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Inglese (esempi di frasi con commento grammaticale)


per prenotare un colloquio informativo gratuito o una lezione.


  • Andrew's attempts to get into the swimming team have not met with much success.
  • At the moment we are trying to make for the town centre.
  • But things will improve tomorrow.
  • Call me at 10 p.m. By that time my parents will have left.
  • "Do you have any plans for Saturday?" "Yes, we are going to visit some friends in Venice."
  • Do you usually drink black coffee?
  • Everything is going well. We haven't had any problems so far.
  • Finding a job is getting harder and harder.
  • Fleetingly means quickly.
  • He's still getting over the shock ok losing his job.
  • How much progress have you made so far?
  • "I'm sorry I'm late. The traffic is bad today.""Don't worry. Come and sit down. We have just started."
  • I didn't take long for the children to finish off the cakes and pastries that had not been eaten at the party.
  • I don't want to leave, please stay!
  • I had been wondering what to cook for dinner when the telephone rang.
  • "I've never been to Prague." "Neither have I".
  • I saw him cross the road and enter the shop.
  • It can be dangerous when the children play in the street.

L'utilizzo di in, on, at è regolato dall'ampiezza del concetto che si vuole esprimere. Nel caso di strade, si utilizza in quando non sono precedute da numeri civici, on quando si indica qualcosa che si sviluppa lungo una linea o in un angolo, at per luoghi specifici o nomi di strade precedute da numeri civici. 

  • It's he whom I told the news.
  • My car is too dirty: it really needs washing.
  • Of course! It goes without saying.
  • On my first abroad, I lived for a month with a German family.
  • Rome is a very beautiful city.
  • She is going ro speak at the meeting.
  • That flat is less expensive than this house.
  • The boy admitted breaking the toy.
  • The house is being painted at the moment.
  • The Prime Minister had to interrupt/put off/break off his talks with world leaders to return to the capital.

 Interrupt, put off, break off possono essere indifferentemente usati nella frase in quanto esprimono, rispettivamente, i concetti di interrompere, rimandare, interrompere. Un termine come back out, invece, con il significato di tirarsi indietro, non può essere utilizzato in questa frase.

  • There is somebody walking behind us, I think we are being followed.
  • There isn't anything to eat; there is nothing to eat; errato: there isn't nothing to eat.
  • They set off before day break "Sono partiti prima dell'alba".
  • Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. We will have been married for 35 years.
  • Veal: vitello (no family); toddler: bambino che fa i primi passi (family); niece: nipote f. (family); nephew: nipote m. (family).
  • What's the weather like in Rome?
  • When crossing the road, make sure to look in both direction.
La costruzione when + ing form può essere utilizzata a condizione che il soggetto sia lo stesso che nella proposizione reggente. Si tratta di un'ellissi di soggetto e ausiliare (when you are crossing). Il costrutto è usato prevalentemente in forma scritta e meno in forma orale.
  • Whose is this? It's the Browns'. 
  • You can go out and play as soon as you finish your homework. 

Si usa as soon + pres. simple con il significato di non appena.

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